Innovative modern rendering of a Yawara & Kubotan style Self Defense Palm Cap Sticks, with an ergonomic grip incorporated into the "Patent Pending" design! Choice of 4-1/2", .... 5", .... or 5-1/2" Length for really large hands. The 5" stick is shown in the photos.
The 5" , and especially the 5-1/2 inch lengths will need some angle adjusting of the stick prior to sitting.
This stick has my Leather Belt Keeper Carriage System, allowing convenient carry & super quick access at the hip. The reinforced rubber hose section offers a firm outer gripping surface for the fingers, & the comfortably beveled end cap works well as a palm handle for thrusting strikes & thumb rest for hammer strikes. The end cap allows a more compact length to remain effective. Simple, comfortable, & affordable.
The "palm swell" concept allows a shorter length than usually seen in a defensive stick to be effective, because the rubber cap is braced against the central palm and heal of the hand. The striking tip is therefore exiting the hand in a useful length, for either forward thrusting or "Ice Pick" style Hammer Fist blows!
These are designed and hand crafted in the USA from Aerospace Grade 5 Titanium (6AL-4V Alloy), that will last a lifetime and perform like no other.
The Quick-Deploy release carriage allows immediate access at the hip. with optional Pocket Carry. Security Guards might consider this where firearms or knives are not allowed.
Useful Acupressure Device or Pill Crusher!
Titanium Belt Carriage Palm Cap Self Defense Stick
NOTE: Because I have every confidence you will love this item, based on immense Positive Feedback of this design from my customers (Martial Arts Instructors, Law Enforcement, & Military included!), I offer a....
1 Year Money Back Guarantee If Not Delighted!
NOW you have no reason NOT to try one to see what you've been missing! :-)
I usually make this stick in 4-1/2" , 5" , & 5-1/2" lengths, which offers a useful but still compact length range that will allow for comfortable and discrete pocket carry (optional carrymode), yet performs very well due to the palm swell grip on one end.
The 5" version (shown) is a good all around size that can still be carried comfortably, but will usually need some manual adjustment prior to sitting down.
The 4-1/2" version really excells for EDC using my Leather Belt Keeper Carriage components as included here, as it's rarely noticed when sitting down if worn at your side..
The 5-1/2" length stick, when used with the Belt Keeper Carriage, will usually have to be adjusted slightly when sitting down. That's not a big deal, but a buyer should know what to expect. :-) Also, it's still compact enough to be pocket carried, and usually with no outline showing unless your pants are unreasonably tight fitting.
If you're a ( mostly ) walking Security Guard then the 5-1/2" version would be my choice using the Belt Keeper Carriage.
ALSO,.... as shown in the first photo I recommend you position the end flap of the leather belt keeper so that it faces UPWARDS.
I have found this prevents any chance of the key ring connector pressing against the leather flap overhang when sitting and releasing the snap, which can happen with the longer sticks especially if the flap faces downward.
NOTE: All of my Quick-Deploy Carriage connections have just a light film of 100 % pure Silicone Grease applied within the hose connection, which allows for a smooth release. I will include a very small ziplock of this grease with the sale, but it is available at most hardware stores in the plumbing section, dive shops, Amazon and elsewhere.
The Trident brand of pure silicone grease on Amazon was my preference, as it is less runny than some hardware store brands. The "screw down" lid on the jars, in their 2 oz size at least, is most appreciated! Reasonably priced @ about $8.00 for a 2 oz jar (and available in smaller sizes also), it is useful also to lubricate, protect, and somewhat waterproof the threaded ends of flashlights and other devises.
ALSO,....PLEASE make sure Yawara and Kubotan style sticks are legal to carry in your Country, State, City, or Town before purchasing. Some areas may have restrictions on such things, and I cannot possibly know about every specific law in every area of the world. :-) Your purchase confirms you have complied with your local laws. Thank You.